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Cedoux Kadima

Cedoux Kadima

Artist's statement

My art explores different aspects of social and environmental issues. The combination of human faces, geometric shapes and African signs expresses the inter-relationship between people and the world.

Art is a tool that I use to reflect and question things that matter to me - and share stories & experiences to inspire the next generation.

I believe that art should have a social purpose. I would like my work to act as a mirror in which the viewer sees his own behaviour reflected. I hope to inspire young people, men and women  to question their relationship with society and the natural environment, to become, in effect, more aware of their rights and responsibilities to the people and the planet.


My work has changed my life and the way I define myself; and has enabled me to interact and connect with the world around me. As a human beings we often dedicate ourselves to better our existence - to re-invent ourselves facing the unexpected, and this is one of the element of focus, conceptualised within my creativity process - And my prayer is that through art I may accomplish my dream and bring about social change, thus providing a small beacon of light in the darkness.


I transmit my message through many different media – painting, photography, video and poetry. My works consciously tell my story, and collaboratively compose the stories of my community and my country the Congo. This is a journey of survival through the creative process, tackling discrimination and defending an inner identity.


The subject matter of each composition defines the materials and forms of the outcome. Art as a set of processes and knowledge - art is my magic key.


Heart of Hope, mixed media on canvas

New World, ink and acrylic on paper

© 2023 by cedoux kadima. HeArts and Dreams UK

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